
Many children share with me how frightened or bothered they are by images they see in the media.  On one hand, media images can be entertaining, rewarding and educational and yet on the other hand they can be unpredictable, scary, or confusing.  Scheduling time to discuss your family's media diet and
being receptive to your child's questions can go a long way in shaping how your child will interact with media now and in the future. Like everything in life, there are teaching and learning opportunities all around.

I thought I'd share with you two excellent resources that focuses on media and children's health.

Please bookmark Common Sense Media or use their app to seek out trustworth information regarding media.

Another is "Ask The Mediatrician" which you can follow by email subscription or facebook.

Here is an excerpt from Ask the Mediatrician:
I am Dr. Michael Rich, the Director of the Center on Media and Child Health at Children's Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health. But more importantly, I am a parent, just like many of you. As a former Hollywood filmmaker, I am a lover of media.  But as a pediatrician, I see that media have both positive and negative effects on children's health. 
I'm here as The Mediatrician® to answer your questions about media and health.  It is my goal to provide you with science-based answers and practical solutions that can help the children in your life use media in ways that can enrich their development. What's YOUR question about media?