With so much kindness being spread around the schools we extended our kindness week into TWO weeks! We finished our weeks with an assembly celebrating all the kind deeds everyone had done. Teachers gave out little pom poms with google eyes called warm fuzzies to each other. Every time the
students did something kind other students or staff wrote it on a slip of paper and added it to our chain of kindness, to represent that we are all connected by kindness. Our chain is so long due to all the kindness that its stretches out longer then the gym! Students throughout the building made posters thanking different staff members and presented one to our fire chief. Students exited the assembly through a kindness tunnel made by the arms of all the staff members.
Every student in our building also traced, decorated and cut out a hand print. We collected these prints and are sending them to the Peace for Children's Headquarters where they will
display all handprints at the Dignity Health Hospital to break the official
record for the Largest Collage of Cut-out Handprints. The current record
for the largest collage of cut-out handprints is 30,006 and was achieved by the
Scout Association at Baden-Powell House, London, UK, on 10-23-07. Every kind-hearted
handprint collected will be a reminder to us all that KINDNESS MATTERS!