- The Greater Good Science Center (UC Berkeley) http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/the_hows_of_happiness Also includes excellent list of resources and organizations.
- If you are concerned about yourself or about somebody else, call the crisis hotline. Maine Crisis Hotline 1-888-568-1112 A trained crisis clinician will assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and will serve children, adolescents, families and adults who are in crisis. The goal of the program is to: - Stabilize individuals and families in the least restrictive environment
- Assist in crisis resolution
- Provide a comprehensive crisis plan
- Provide an alternative to an emergency room visit
For more information - http://www.mainebehavioralhealthcare.org/mmhp_body.cfm?id=10518
Agencies providing case management
- Connections for Kids http://connectionsforkids.org/ Office in Kittery
- Sweetser 1-800-434-3000 http://www.sweetser.org/ Office in York
- Opportunity Alliance - https://www.opportunityalliance.org/programs/children-and-youth-mental-health-services/
- Spurwink Services - Case Management Services 1-888-889-3903 http://www.spurwink.org/
- York County Community Action (Sanford, Biddeford, Kittery) Kittery address: 120 Rogers Road, Kittery Community Center 207-439-2699
More Hotlines/Crisis Numbers
- Up to date list from Maine Dept of Health and Human Services http://www.maine.gov/dhhs/hotlines.htm
Parent and Family Support
- Families First, Community Center, Portsmouth http://www.familiesfirstseacoast.org
- Maine Developmental Disabilities Council - works for changes that will support a better life for people with disabilities and their families. (Statewide) Telephone # 1-800-244-3990 www.maineddc.org
- Maine Parent Federation - provides info, referral, support and training for families affected by disabilities. 800-870-7746 www.mpf.org
- Donegal Town - providing services for people with disabilities (York) Telephone 363-4010
- Cromwell Center for Disabilities Awareness: http://www.cromwellcenter.org/ Southern Maine Parent Awareness Virtually unlimited resources for parents of children with special needs. Telephone # 1-800-564-9696 www.somepa.org
- Autism Society of Maine of Maine www.asmonline.org Support/info for individuals and families affected by autism.
- Dyslexia resources - http://www.dyslexia.yale.edu/ , http://dyslexicadvantage.com/ and http://www.ncld.org/ are three resources that provide excellent research, suggestions, and forums to support children with learning disabilities
- Great opinion piece in the NYTimes You Are Special! Now Stop Being Different
- The Center for Grieving Children, Portland, Maine http://www.cgcmaine.org/
- The Dougy Center http://www.dougy.org/ The Dougy Center is a national center for grieving children and families.
- Pete's Place, a grief support center for children, teens and families Webb Place, Dover, NH 03820. Telephone 603-740-2689 http://www.wdhospital.com/body.cfm?id=181 Offers support groups for grieving children and families.
- Helping Children Cope with Death - information/handout
- A Healing Place - http://www.journeyofhearts.org/ This is a wonderful website and online community for anyone grieving a loss or significant change.
- When Families Grieve - by Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit organization behind Sesame Street and so much more http://www.sesameworkshop.org/grief
- Great website with grief support Hamilton's Funeral Home - Grief Academy
- A guide to getting through grief Happify.com: How to deal with grief infographic
For Children Affected by Suicide
- From Suicide Awareness Voices of Education http://www.save.org
- Suicide resources from The Dougy Center, a national center for grieving children and families (see page 2 of the tip sheet) http://www.dougy.org/docs/Suicide_Resources_Flyer.pdf
- For suicide loss survivors - from the American Association of Suicidology http://www.suicidology.org/Portals/14/docs/Resources/FactSheets/SurvivorsSuicideLoss2014.pdf
- From Suicide.org - for children http://www.suicide.org/suicide-survivors-helping-your-children-cope.html
For Children Affected by Addiction and Overdose Loss
- From Hey Sigmund https://www.heysigmund.com/tips-talking-children-addiction/
- PBS Parents - Helping Elementary Schoolers Deal with Social Conflict
- Understanding Elementary School Friendships
- From the American Academy of Pediatrics What parents can do to support friendships
- Please refer to the booklist page of this website for some children's books on friendship
- Video from Lynn Lyons, nationally recognized expert on anxiety in children and families https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=12UeGPcZT54 - Lynn Lyons' website: http://www.lynnlyonsnh.com/
- Podcast http://www.lynnlyonsnh.com/parents-teens-challenge-anxiety-together/
- Outsmarting Our Primitive Responses to Fear - New York Times
- Worry Wise Kids http://www.worrywisekids.org/
- Child Mind Institute http://childmind.org/article/what-to-do-and-not-do-when-children-are-anxious/
- Separation anxiety http://www.helpguide.org/articles/anxiety/separation-anxiety-in-children.htm
- Hey Sigmund http://www.heysigmund.com/anxiety-in-kids/
- Parents Guide to Teaching Mindfulness to Children with Anxiety http://anxietyfreechild.com/mindfulness-guide/
- School Refusal http://childmind.org/article/when-kids-refuse-to-go-to-school/
Mindfulness practices
- Mindfulness with JusTme - YoMind http://www.yomind.com/justme
- Teaching Mindfulness to Kids http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/tips_for_teaching_mindfulness_to_kids/
- Child Mind Institute http://childmind.org/article/the-power-of-mindfulness/
- Mindfulness for Children http://annakaharris.com/mindfulness-for-children/
- MIT Medical - Stress Reduction, Mindfulness and Relaxation https://medical.mit.edu/community/stress-reduction
- Fun Ways to Teach Your Kids Mindfuless http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-18136/7-fun-ways-to-teach-your-kids-mindfulness.html
- Interview with Ellen Langer http://www.onbeing.org/program/ellen-langer-science-of-mindlessness-and-mindfulness/6332
- Excellent article on nurturing empathy in children - http://www.heysigmund.com/how-to-nurture-empathy-in-children/
- Kids First Center - practical information and support for children whose parents are experiencing divorce or separation 222 St. John St, Portland, ME 04101. http://www.kidsfirstcenter.org/
- Helping Children Understand Divorce http://extension.missouri.edu/publications/DisplayPub.aspx?P=GH6600
- How to tell your school-aged child you're getting divorced Ages 5-8
- Great video on blended families - soulpancake video
Grandparents raising grandchildren
- Maine Kids-Kin http://www.familiesandchildren.org/maine-kids-kin.html
- Article from the Bangor Daily News If you're taking care of your grandkids
- Understood https://www.understood.org/en/learning-attention-issues
- CHADD-Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder http://www.chadd.org/
- Excellent interview with experts and individuals and parents affected by executive functioning/ADHD challenges. Well worth the listen! http://thedianerehmshow.org/shows/2011-10-19/treating-young-children-adhd
- Great tips for both children and adults from ADDitude - http://www.additudemag.com/adhd/article/11294.html
- Ellyn Satter - https://www.ellynsatterinstitute.org/
- Story from National Public Radio http://www.npr.org/2011/02/
14/133629227/to-win-toddler- food-battles-take-a-softer- approach - American Academy of Pediatrics http://www.
healthychildren.org/English/ healthy-living/nutrition/ pages/Tips-for-Preventing- Food-Hassles.aspx - From the Mayo Clinic: http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/childrens-health/in-depth/childrens-health/art-20044948?pg=1
- Common Sense Media http://www.commonsensemedia.org/ “Common Sense Media is dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education and independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology”
- The Mediatrician from Harvard Center for Media and Child Health http://cmch.typepad.com/mediatrician/
Technology and Smartphones
- Article in The Atlantic Monthly Have Smartphones Have Destroyed a Generation? and interview with the author, Jean M. Twenge, on the PBS Newshour PBS Newshour Video
- Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network - http://glsen.org
- PFLAG -- Parents, Families and Friends United with LGBTQ People to Move E
- Parents, Families and Friends United with LGBTQ People to Move Equality Forward (formerly known as Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays). The Portland, Maine chapter can be found at http://www.pflagportlandmaine.org
- Trans Youth Equality Foundation http://www.transyouthequality.org
- Trans Youth Family Allies http://www.imatyfa.org
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=TFL8yEql-GU - http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/
frontline/film/growing-up- trans/ - https://www.ted.com/talks/
norman_spack_how_i_help_ transgender_teens_become_who_ they_want_to_be?language=en
Fire Safety and Intervention
- York County Juvenile Fire Safety and Intervention Collaborative - Contact Director Pamela Tourangeau, LCPC, CEMME, 149 Jordan Springs Road Alfred, ME 0400 Phone: 459-2463 E-Mail: ycjfsic@co.york.me.us
- Maine Prepares - Maine Emergency Management Agency Maine Prepares - MEMA
- The Children's Treehouse Foundation http://www.childrenstreehousefdn.org/ Dedicated to improving the emotional health of children whose parents have cancer. Great resources. http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2013/07/30/206963697/parents-grapple-with-explaining-cancer-to-children
- The Trauma Center http://www.traumacenter.org/resources/tc_resources.php - The website of The Trauma Center has all sorts of short handouts and good information. Common Responses to Trauma - And Coping Strategies - Another great but simple resource - for traumatized people and their loved ones.
- The National Child Trauma Stress Network at http://www.nctsn.org/
- Coping with Traumatic Stress from HelpGuide.org http://www.helpguide.org/mental/disaster_recovery_trauma_stress_coping.htm
- NYU Child Study Center http://www.aboutourkids.org/articles/talking_children_about_difficult_subjects_illness_death_violence_disaster
- American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress http://www.aaets.org/article148.htm
- Talking about Natural Disasters http://www.aacap.org/galleries/default-file/TalkingtoKids.Earthquakes.NaturalDisasters.3.11.2011.pdf
- Children's Books: Holmes, M. (2000) A Terrible Thing Happened - A story for children who have witnessed violence or trauma.
Cohn, J. (1994). Why did it happen? Helping young children cope with the experience of violence. Morrow Junior Books. (Preschool-Early Elementary)
Garbarino, J. (1993). Lets talk about living in a world with violence: An activity book for school age children. Chicago, IL: Erikson Institute. (Elementary level)
Gifted / Talented
- Maine Dept of Education http://www.maine.gov/education/speced/gt/
- Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page http://www.hoagiesgifted.com/
- Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development http://www.gifted.uconn.edu/
- National Assoc for Gifted Children http://www.nagc.org/
- Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted http://www.sengifted.org/
- Psychologist Carol Dweck and her research on mindset http://mindsetonline.com/
Sex Ed
- Advocates for Youth http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/publications/577-1st-grade
- About Kids Health
- Today's Parent
- Booklist/resources to help at Booklist
Sexual Abuse Prevention Resources
- Children's Safety Partnership https://www.childrenssafetypartnership.org/ The Children’s Safety Partnership is a program of the Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault in partnership with the Maine Department of Education, Maine’s sexual assault service providers, and local schools across the state.
- Committee for Children's Sexual Abuse Prevention resources for families (including "Talk About It" videos that model parent/child conversations). https://www.cfchildren.org/resources/child-abuse-prevention/
- Sexual Assault Response Services of Southern Maine http://sarsonline.org/our-programs/education-programs/elementary
- SARSSM-Keeping Kids Safe- a Guide for Grown ups handout is sent home to parents on the day of your child's classroom presentation.
- National Sexual Violence Resource Center - Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Resource Center Information Packet http://www.nsvrc.org/publications/child-sexual-abuse-prevention-information-packet
Self-harm (Non-suicidal self-injury)
- The Cornell Research Program on Self-injury and Recovery http://www.selfinjury.bctr.cornell.edu/index.html
- Information for parents - Resources for Parents
- S.A.F.E. Alternatives http://www.selfinjury.com/
- Information for parents/caregivers - NCHE.ed.gov
- According to McKinney-Vento, "homeless" can be defined as an individual who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence, including children and youth:
- Sharing housing due to loss of housing or economic hardship
- Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks or camping grounds due to lack of alternative adequate housing
- Living in emergency or transitional housing
- Abandoned in hospitals
- Having a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, regular sleeping accommodations
- Living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations
- Migratory students meeting the descriptions above
- Parent brochure from National Center for Homeless Education "What You Need to Know to Help your Child in School" https://nche.ed.gov/downloads/parentbrochure_eng.pdf
- Fair Tide Transitional Housing Program - Moving families toward self-sufficiency 439-6376 http://www.fairtide.org/
- York County Community Action (Sanford, Biddeford, Kittery) Kittery address: 120 Rogers Road (Community Center) 207-439-2699 http://www.yccac.org/
- Coordinated Access (603) 516-8143 http://www.homelesscenterforstraffco.org/resources--links.html
- York County Shelter Telephone - Alfred (207) 324-1137 Homeless Crisis Hotline Telephone 800-438-3890
- Seacoast Family Promise - 1-603-658-8448 https://www.
seacoastfamilypromise.org/ - My Friend's Place in Dover (603) 749-3017
- Crossroads in Portsmouth (603) 436-2218
Supporting Girls and Women
- Hardy Girls Healthy Women Hardy Girls Healthy Women (HGHW) is a nonprofit organization out of Portland Maine that is dedicated to the health and well being of girls and women. Their vision is that all girls and women experience equality, independence, and safety in their everyday lives. Excellent links to resources. http://www.hghw.org/
- The Dove Movement for Self-Esteem / Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty http://www.dove.us/Social-Mission/Our-Vision/
- Common Sense Media - girls and body image http://www.commonsensemedia.org/advice-for-parents/girls-and-body-image-tips?utm_source=newsletter03.01.12&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=feature1
- Raising Girls - http://www.pbs.org/parents/raisinggirls/powerful/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Fanpage&utm_campaign=PBS+Parents
- A Mighty Girl - http://www.amightygirl.com/ The world’s largest collection of books and movies for parents, teachers, and others dedicated to raising smart, confident, and courageous girls.