External Resources

  • If you are concerned about yourself or about somebody else, call the crisis hotline.  Maine Crisis Hotline 1-888-568-1112  A trained crisis clinician will assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and will serve children, adolescents, families and adults who are in crisis.  The goal of the program is to: 
  • - Stabilize individuals and families in the least restrictive environment
    - Assist in crisis resolution
    - Provide a comprehensive crisis plan
    - Provide an alternative to an emergency room visit
    For more information - http://www.mainebehavioralhealthcare.org/mmhp_body.cfm?id=10518
Agencies providing case management
More Hotlines/Crisis Numbers
Parent and Family Support

Special Needs
  • Maine Developmental Disabilities Council - works for changes that will support a better life for people with disabilities and their families. (Statewide) Telephone # 1-800-244-3990 www.maineddc.org
  • Maine Parent Federation - provides info, referral, support and training for families affected by disabilities. 800-870-7746 www.mpf.org

Donegal Town - providing services for people with disabilities (York) Telephone  363-4010
  • Cromwell Center for Disabilities Awareness:  http://www.cromwellcenter.org/

Southern Maine Parent Awareness Virtually unlimited resources for parents of children with special needs. Telephone # 1-800-564-9696 www.somepa.org
  • Autism Society of Maine of Maine www.asmonline.org Support/info for individuals and families affected by autism.
  • Dyslexia resources -  http://www.dyslexia.yale.edu/http://dyslexicadvantage.com/  and http://www.ncld.org/ are three resources that provide excellent research, suggestions, and forums to support children with learning disabilities
  • Great opinion piece in the NYTimes You Are Special! Now Stop Being Different
For Children Affected by Suicide
For Children Affected by Addiction and Overdose Loss
Mindfulness practices
Divorce / Separation / Family Change
Grandparents raising grandchildren
Executive Functioning / ADHD
Issues around eating
  • Common Sense Media  http://www.commonsensemedia.org/ “Common Sense Media is dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education and independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology”
  • The Mediatrician from Harvard Center for Media and Child Health   http://cmch.typepad.com/mediatrician/
Technology and Smartphones
Fire Safety and Intervention
  • York County Juvenile Fire Safety and Intervention Collaborative - Contact Director Pamela Tourangeau, LCPC, CEMME, 149 Jordan Springs Road Alfred, ME 0400                         Phone: 459-2463  E-Mail: ycjfsic@co.york.me.us
  • Maine Prepares - Maine Emergency Management Agency Maine Prepares - MEMA
Gifted / Talented
Sex Ed
Sexual Abuse Prevention Resources 
Self-harm (Non-suicidal self-injury)
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
  • Information for parents/caregivers - NCHE.ed.gov
  • According to McKinney-Vento, "homeless" can be defined as an individual who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence, including children and youth:
    • Sharing housing due to loss of housing or economic hardship
    • Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks or camping grounds due to lack of alternative adequate housing
    • Living in emergency or transitional housing
    • Abandoned in hospitals
    • Having a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, regular sleeping accommodations
    • Living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations
    • Migratory students meeting the descriptions above
    For more information go to http://www.maine.gov/doe/homeless/
  • Parent brochure from National Center for Homeless Education "What You Need to Know to Help your Child in School"   https://nche.ed.gov/downloads/parentbrochure_eng.pdf
Housing Resources including homelessness
Supporting Girls and Women