Personal Body Safety

Educators from the Sexual Assault Response Services of Southern Maine presented in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade classrooms at Mitchell School on March 31-April 3. Using what children already know about safety, this program introduces rules about good touch, hurtful touch and confusing touch. It also defines privacy and explains the difference between fun and scary secrets. Puppets act out scenarios and ask students to help solve a problem. Children are urged to seek help from trusted adults if they are ever feeling hurt or scared.

The following handout was sent home to parents on the day of your child's classroom presentation. SARSSM presenters were fabulous. They delivered important safety information in a developmentally appropriate manner that and they were quite engaging with the students. We hope to have them back again next year.

PLEASE take some time to discuss safety with your child and review the worksheet that your child completed in the classroom after the presentation.