Calming down big feelings

We teach the children that when they're having big feelings they need to pay attention to the sensations in their own bodies, put their hands on their bellies and signal to themselves to stop, name the feeling that they're experiencing, and then choose one of many strategies to calm down. Belly breathing and counting are a good place to start. Check out more research about why naming the feeling is such a helpful strategy.  NPR - Got Anger? Try Naming It To Tame It

Here are some fun videos to help you help your child.

Sesame Street - Count, Breathe, Relax

Explain that Cookie Monster is having a hard time with big feelings, so he’s learning “Birthday Breathing.” Together, watch the video all the way through. Show it again and have kids practice along with you and Cookie Monster (it helps to rehearse a strategy before you actually need it!):

  • Hold up one hand—it’s a birthday cake with five candles!
  • Pretend to blow out one of the candles: take a deep breath in and then blow out, curling the finger down as you finish exhaling.
  • Repeat with the other four fingers until you have a fist. Notice how you feel now. Repeat if needed.