The Parent Cafe is a great opportunity to connect with other parents and ask all kinds of questions. For more information about Kids Free to Grow check out their website at
Shannon Briggs, from Kids Free to Grow in York County, has a Masters in Psychology and uses the Strengthening Families model to support parents. She has 15 years experience working with foster parents, as an early childhood home visitor, case manager, Early Head Start teacher, and in her current role helping all families be more resilient.
Shannon will use an interactive "café" model for caregivers with children of ALL ages to discuss tricky topics with prompting questions like,
How have your experiences growing up affected your parenting?
How do you get your child's school to understand your child's needs?
What drains your energy and what builds it back up? |
You can share or just listen. Video on or off. Whatever works for you.
There are lots of parenting questions. So come again even if you joined us in April. It will be different! |
| Please join us on June 7th 11:30-1:00 pm in the privacy and comfort of home or office! |
FMI, Sally Manninen at Check out Kids Free to Grow for other programs from Shannon! |